My portfolio has been featured by App designer, Morpholio, who hold more than 350K followers and have been named the best design application by Apple as well as being featured by Wired, The New York Times, ABC News & ArchDaily. One of my hand sketches which was featured is shown below, together with some further information on Morpholio.
Morpholio is a cutting-edge digital platform that specialises in providing innovative tools for architects and designers to streamline their workflow, enhance their creative process, and collaborate more effectively with their clients. As a company that is deeply passionate about the intersection of design, technology, and architecture, they offer a suite of powerful digital tools that are designed to empower architectural design studios to create, communicate, and share their vision with a wider audience. Morpholio's team prides themselves on working closely with architecture studios to ensure that their products meet the specific needs and demands of the industry, and to constantly evolve and improve their offerings as new technologies and design practices emerge. Sterne Design looks forward to growing and continuing to strive towards further features such as the below.